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You can learn a lot from reading the fine print

  • Security details
  • Federal insurance information
  • Berkshire website terms
  • Privacy guidelines
  • Social media policy
Security Matters
Internet security is vital to us. Learn what type of browser you need to take full advantage of our encryption efforts and other safeguards.
Learn More about Security Matters
FDIC Information
The federal government insures your Berkshire Bank deposits. You can get all the details on how your finances are protected.
Learn More about FDIC Information
Terms & Conditions
We've put a lot of effort into creating an informative website. However, there are some things you should know about the information here.
Learn More about Terms & Conditions
Online Privacy Statement
We've put a lot of effort into creating an informative website. However, there are some things you should know about the information here.
Learn More about Online Privacy Statement
Privacy Notice
Safeguarding your privacy is important to us. Learn exactly what we will and won't do with your personal information.
Learn More about Privacy Notice
Social Media Policy Statement
Like most other businesses, Berkshire Bank is on social media. But we're very careful about how we go about using it.
Learn More about Social Media Policy Statement
Text AMEB1 - Terms & Conditions
Our customers can contact us via text messages. It's important to know how we use the data and what your texting costs might be.
Learn More about Text AMEB1 - Terms & Conditions

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